Inner Purity

Inner Purity – Vajrasattva Retreat

This retreat is suitable for those with some experience of Buddhist Meditation.

Most of our time and energy goes into trying to avoid problems by making changes to the external world. The real cause of our unhappiness and difficulties however comes from inside our mind, but from our uncontrolled response to painful feelings, delusions . 

Through developing delusions we have performed numerous actions and it is the negative karma we have created in the past through these actions that is the real cause of all our problems and pain.

By relying upon Vajrasattva, the Buddha of purification we will cleanse our mind of delusions, negativity and obstacles. Through special meditation and mantra recitation we have the great opportunity to purify our mind quickly, so that we can make swift progress on the spiritual path.

There will be three sessions a day and the practice is accomplished within the sadhana Offering to the Spiritual Guide.


Day / Time

Sat 29th – Sun 30 June

Course level

Suitable for those with some experience



Session 1: 9.00 – 10.30 am

Session 2: 11.30 – 1 pm

Wishfulfilling Jewel with Tsog 4 – 5.15 pm

Session 3: 7 – 9.30 pm


Session 1: 9.00 – 10.30 am

Session 2: 4 – 5.30 pm

Session 3: 7 – 9.30 pm




Kadampa Meditation Centre Sheffield
685-691 Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, S11 8TG


Improved concentration and focus in daily life
Less stress, worry & anxiety
Reduced irritation, anger & frustration
Greater inner peace & happiness
Increased confidence & self-esteem
Improved mental and physical well being
A positive outlook on life & better relationships